Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I was reading sweet Kayleigh's site and some friends put on their site a list of things they were thankful for. Here are mine - feel free to post yours also:
I am thankful my daughter wanted me to pick her up and dance with her last night.
I am thankful I am the first thing she sees each and every morning.
I am thankful Emma and Matt are happy and healthy.
I am thankful my mom and step dad live next door and we can see each other every single day.
I am thankful Emma is able to tell me every day what she did at school and we can talk and laugh a/b our day together.
I am thankful for God's awesome and abundant love for us.
I am thankful for Emma's sweet funny personality that makes us laugh and look at her funny every day!!!
I am thankful for a second chance at marriage with my wonderful husband.

I am thankful for God's forgiveness!!!!

Now, what are you thankful for????

Friday, May 15, 2009

Mr. Max

Here are pics of our new dog Max. He is a Beagle/Basset Hound mix and we just love him dearly. We got him last Friday from a lady in McCalla that had found him but had too many animals. He is a/b a year and a half old, completely house broke, sweet, lazy, loves water, loves to lick, doesn't love to play ball or tug, just wants to chill and sleep and love. Sweetest boy ever!!!! We are so blessed to have him!!! Took him to the park yesterday.
Hope everyone has a great and blessed weekend. God bless!!!

Emma had her end of the year party at the park this AM. It was a lot of fun but I won't bring toys again unless there are enough for everyone. I brought 2 bats and 2 balls and they fought the whole time. Won't do that again. :(

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Tracey and Michael Wilson had Mr. Sweet boy Ethan on May 6th. He was 7#, 14 oz and so sweet!!!!

CONGRATS THE WILSONS!!! God is sooooo good!!!

Friday, May 1, 2009


Please everyone pray for sweet Kayleigh's family. They have incredible faith. But in the last 10 months have had such a hard time. Now it looks like she has suffered from a lack of oxygen/blood to her brain and is not responsive. I can not in a million years begin to imagine what this family is going through. Please keep them all in your daily prayers.

We are doing great at home. Finances continue to be tight. But w/ God's grace and all of our families wonderful help we are beginning to dig out of our pit. We are all doing great though and can't complain. God is in control and we have such faith. He is an awesome God!!!!

We have Mason's game tomorrow AM and Matt will be installing a new faucet in the kitchen Sunday w/ Papa's expert help I'm sure. Other than that hopefully we get get to enjoy each other, play and hang out w/ my wonderful blessed family.