Well, we had a catastrophy last night. Thankfully my sis handled it like a champ. So Abby's dress needed to be taken in in the chest. She has to wear a 12 b/c of the length and needs a/b a 7 in the waist. Well she got it home and tried on last night, and they took it in too much. Apparently Jenn told the lady to cut the dress and it was too small. So thankfully Jenn stayed calm (not me!!!) and took the dress to a lady to do a corset style tie thingy in the back. Jenn said it will be a one of a kind dress and might get the judges attention. WE will see. I am proud of her for staying calm though. It's important for kids to know they can always count on their mom. I will keep you posted.
And, Matt P is heading out tomorrow for Tres Dias w/ our church. Please pray for guidance during this retreat. I am proud of him for stepping out and going.
Materi Pelatihan Dokter Kecil Sekolah Dasar
1 year ago
So glad she handled that !!! Good job Jenn!!!