I have been working since September to get this weight off and I am now down to 120 thankfully. Before I got pg w/ Emma I was on the depo shot, while teaching/taking aerobics and eating like a bird. Yet I gained like 30# and could not until now, get it off. I haven't exercised much b/c through cheering I just got burned out. (i know some of you know what i mean) But now that Matt is SO AWESOME and works out religiously he is inspiring me to do the same. This summer at the beach I could tell he was proud of the way he looked. And he is freaking huge!!! I'm telling you, he went from big to taking Hydroxycut and BAM - HUGE!!!! Sure, there will always be someone sexier, hotter, bigger, cuter/prettier than all of us. But man, my husband is DANG HOT!!!!! So I need to get a move on and catch up to him. Last night I took Tricia's advice and got a work out video and some hand weights. MAtt was at the gym so I had Emma while trying to do it and it didn't work out too well. I had to cut it short, but that's ok. I am a tad sore today and am on the road to a healthy/hot me. Thank you Matt for encouraging me and inspiring me and for being so stinking HOT!!!!! :) WE are both eating pretty healthy (most of the time) also and that will show Emma how to live also. I tried to jump on her new trampoline for exercise but that didn't work too well. After having such a hard labor, can't really do that. Anyway, just wanted to keep everyone updated.
We have Awards Day tomorrow. Can't wait to beam w/ pride for our sweet girl.
Mason had an awards day this week w/ recognition for being on Beta Club and all A's I think. Such a great guy!!! And Abby has another pagent in February. Beautiful thing!!!
Thank you Lord for our happy, healthy family. WE owe all the glory to You.
Materi Pelatihan Dokter Kecil Sekolah Dasar
1 year ago
You are doing it and that is what counts, even when you get those little interruputions. I finally got up at 5:30 this morning!! Yay! And I got to stretch, which I have not done since pregnancy. We can start be accountable to each other! love you sooo much!