Love, love, love Jon & Kate plus 8. I watched it last night from like 8-10:00 and they were all new episodes. They never showed the front of their new house or much of the yard but it is huge. Of course w/ 8 kids, it has to be. Matt said it's sad that w/ a house that size, the kids still have to share rooms. But it was so great w/ their hardwoods, huge kitchen, fireplaces, acerage, etc. Plus she is just such an awesome mom and so crafty. They were having a yard sale at a church on one of the episodes and all of the proceeds went to Pediatric Cancer. And at the end Jon actually said they were going to do it again (she said each year) and that it was fun!!! Fun!!! Having to get a U-haul, set up, pack everything, sell, keep up w/ kids, etc. And it was fun!!!! He is great!! I'm sure they have issues like all families, but it's so neat to see how well they handle every day occurances. And she is so tough, it motivates me. When she says no, that's no and there's no arguing. Man, Emma needs to learn that!!!!
I sat in my recliner for a while and that thing will make u lazy!!! Matt and I talked some and he said it would be easy to not drink when it's his idea. And it is his this time around. So please pray for strength for me to stand my ground and for him to stay sober!!!!
Emma had gymnastics and did great. I got out of the shower this AM to see dad and Emma snuggled up in our bed watching cartoons. I love that so much. So sweet and I hope they always stay that close.
I will update on Hailey when I find out. Keep praying for Matt P and my Matt's soberity. Oh and the movie Fireproof comes out on DVD today. Please watch it everyone. It is so awesome!!! I have heard wonderful things a/b it and will get it ASAP.
God bless!!!